Wednesday 15 July 2015

Virechana a Panchakarma treatment for skin and pure blood

Virechana is one of the Panchakarma treatment in Ayurveda Panchakarma. This inducing purging in ‘pitha’ vitiated ailments like skin diseases and other impurity conditions of blood in the humen body. When purgatives are used, it is important to check the patient diet. The patient should not eat foods that will aggravate the predominant humor or cause the three humors to become unbalanced.
Virechana is the process of cleansing of the intestines which are pitta dominant through the use of laxative medicines.It helps to removing the toxic and metabolic unwanted waste from liver, gallbladder and intestinal tract. Virechana neutralizes ulcers, gastritis, jaundice, kidney complaints, intestinal colic, and asthma and also help reducing fever, skin diseases, haematemesis, epistaxis, splenic disorders, worm infestation, anemia, headache, burning eyes, excessive lacrimation, chronic cough, rhinitis, gout, gynaecological disorders, rheumatic conditions, anorexia. Nilayoram Ayurvedic Resort located in kerala provide Virechana Panchakarma treatment.

Thursday 9 July 2015

Ayurveda an excellent option for any type of treatment

Ayurveda Kerala India
Ayurveda is a traditional natural treatment system that originated in India at least 5000 years ago. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word which means by definition, The Science of Life. Ayurveda is spreads worldwide as a therapy that promises holistic wellness of the body, mind and soul. Ayurvedic treatments involves purification and detoxification of human body with the help of various natural herbal medicines and herbal combinations. The aim of Ayurvedic treatment is to heal sickness, prevent future illness, and healthy life.

Ayurveda is applied through a variety of therapies with restrictive diets, herbal medicines, massages and exercise and Yoga. It uses only natural herbs and oils that are of great medicinal value to restore any imbalances in the body. Ayurveda Kerala India provides excellent treatment to the people. Treatment for all ages are available in Ayurveda.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Yoga, the main attraction of kerala Tour Packages

Yoga is the mental, physical and spiritual practice or discipline which originated in Ancient India. It is one the main attraction of Kerala Ayurveda Tour Packages. The origins of Yoga was around the sixth and fifth century BC. The ultimate goal of Yoga is liberation. Yoga came to the attention of western public in the mid-19th century along with other topics of Indian philosophy. Today the popularity of yoga in the whole world is constantly rising.

Yoga has five principal meanings:
  1. Yoga is disciplined method for attaining a goal. 
  2. Yoga as techniques of controlling the body and the mind. 
  3. Yoga as a name of one of the schools or systems of philosophy. 
  4. Yoga in connection with other words, such as "hatha-, mantra-, and laya-," referring to traditions specialising in particular techniques of yoga. 
  5. Yoga as the goal of Yoga practice. 
Hatha yoga is an intervention for many conditions, including back pain, stress, and depression. In general, it can help improve quality of our life, but it is not atreatment for our disease.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Ayurveda Panchakarma, a ultimate mind-body healing experience.


Ayurveda Panchakarma is the ultimate mind-body healing experience for detoxifying the body, strengthening the immune system, and restoring balance and well-being. It is one the most effective healing treatment in Ayurveda. Ayurveda Panchakarma promotes Detoxification and Rejuvenation in humen body. It is recommended when an individual feels out of balance or if suffering from illness.

Ayurveda Panchakarma is a Sanskrit word which means “five actions” or “five treatments”, they are : Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Basti and Raktamoskshana. This cleans the body from toxic materials left by disease and poor nutrition. Normally the body has the ability to process and remove these waste materials, including the vitiated doshas. However due to one’s repeated dietary indiscretions, poor exercise patterns, lifestyle, and genetic predisposition the digestive enzymes, metabolic co-factors, hormones, and agnis which regulate the body’s internal homeostasis become disorganized. This can lead to the accumulation and spread of toxins throughout the physiology resulting in disease. This waste matter is called Ama in Ayurveda. Ama is a foul-smelling, sticky, harmful substance that needs to be completely evacuated from the body.

Ayurveda Panchakarma will remove the excess doshas and correct imbalances in them as well as eliminate the harmful ama out through the body’s own organs and channels of elimination. It purifies the tissues at a very deep level.